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Dip Terms

I warrant, and agree that, as the Participant:

1.     I will not use the facilities under the influence of alcohol or drugs (including any prescription drugs causing drowsiness or unconsciousness);

2.     I do not have any communicable or infectious skin condition, disorder or diseases, large cuts, open sores or wounds;

3.     I will shower thoroughly before entering the ice bath, ensuring all oils, creams, or makeup is removed from my body.

4.     I do not have a kidney disease;

5.     I do not suffer from epilepsy or chronic heart disease or, if I do, my use of the ice bath has been approved by a medical physician in writing;

6.     I am not pregnant and I do not suffer from diabetes or low blood pressure, or my use of ice baths has been approved by a medical physician;

7.     I do not have a condition, and I am not medicated in any manner, which may be adversely affected by cold water immersion

8.     I will not use the ice bath if I have incontinence, and will not voluntarily/involuntarily release bodily fluids of any kind while inside the ice bath;

9.     I have not:

a.     had any chemical processing or permanent dye of my hair within the past 2 weeks;

b.     had my hair subject to Keratin treatment in the last 4 weeks;

c.     used any Henna products in the last 4 weeks;

d.     used spray, lotion or any other fake tanning products in the past 7 days;

e.     had any semi-permanent dyes used in my hair (must wait until fully washed out)

10.  I am not currently menstruating;

11.  I currently do not have hair extensions;

12.  I understand that shaving or waxing 24hrs before entering the ice bath can sting or irritate my skin

13.  I am not currently cytotoxic and will not use the ice bath whilst undergoing any cytotoxic treatment (e.g. Chemotherapy). I will check with my medical physician to see how long I must wait until I am no longer cytotoxic.

14.  I will use great caution while entering and exiting the ice bath and the entire time I am in the facility. I understand there is a risk of wet and slippery surfaces; and

15.  I understand that the ice bath is not discarded/drained between each dip, but is filtered, sanitized and recycled, and that our ice baths are inspected between every single dip.

I understand that if I breach the Dip Terms, or otherwise contaminate the water of the ice bath, I will be financially responsible for draining and replacing the water and special cleaning services (up to $1,000).


Cancelation Policy

We require at least 24hrs notice so we can make the booking available for other customers.

Less than 24hrs notice will incur a charge of the full value of your booking.

Failure to give us any notice (No Show) will incur a charge of the full value of your booking.


Liability Waiver

I have requested that I participate in the ice bath services and related activities with Icebath Dianella 30 543 320 166, trading as ‘Icebath Dianella' (‘Icebath Dianella’, ‘we’, ‘us’).

I acknowledge and agree that these activities include being submerged in water, within a semi enclosed space, and are described above in the ‘Information’ (together, the Activities).

In consideration for your agreement to the terms and conditions of this Liability Waiver and Dip Terms, Icebath Dianella agrees to allow you to participate in the Activities.

I acknowledge and agree that I participate in the Activities at my risk.

I release Icebath Dianella and its officers, employees and contractors, the organisers, sponsors, other participants and any other persons involved in my participation in the Activities (Releasees) from any demand, claim, or other proceeding in relation to any injury or death or loss or damage to personal property in connection with my participation in the Activities, whether or not caused by the negligence of a Releasee.

I agree to indemnify each Releasee in relation to any demand, claim or proceeding that may be brought in connection with my participation in the Activities with Icebath Dianella, including any breach of the DipTerms.

I agree and represent that I have no injuries, physical or mental restrictions, disabilities or predispositions to sickness or injury that may affect my participation in the Activities.

I agree and represent that I am not under the influence of alcohol or any drug that may in any way affect my participation in the Activities, my safety or the safety of others.

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